


I Really Wanted To Be Wonderful Dad and Here Is How. PART-3

Never Harm; Hearken to Yourself

7. You should never abuse your child. 
Don't even imagine it!. Likewise never you imagine abusing your wife. There no a reason whatsoever to beat a woman or harm a kid. It is the high level of weakness and a degradation to fathers universally to harm any kid or woman. It is inconceivable to be a wonderful dad if you abuse your kid or your kid's mama even once. This never brings you any honour, your whole life, and all that  you have struggled this hard to accomplish. Transfer this onto your children.

Beyond hitting, do not be verbally brutal to your kid. Do not call him names like you idiot, stupid or any name that will make him feels he is inferior to the special person he is. Let it be a goal to give your child so much affection and admiration that will provide him a high-self-esteem enigma.

8. Help on building children is in all places, and most are all contradictory.
so you should be so careful whatever guide you decide to follow. 
Sadly, there is no solid foundation, no reliable guide, no comprehensive professionalism on parenting children, therefore there are actually thousands of publications on ways to be a good parent and parent children right. One publication stated that if your infant cries, carry them up. While another publication stated that let them cry it out. But a third publication stated that carry them up once, before letting them cry it out. And so on with many other books who will suggest so many things. some may work for some persons while some may not.

So would you  know the one that is right? You won't. All you have to do is to do research by yourself and then you decide on the ones you will use for your child. If you learn from only one publication, you will apparently go with that approach. Have a conversation with other parents, read publications about parenting, online articles, and parenting magazines, to obtain as much knowledge as plausible, then choose which one  of them that will make the most sense for you to use on your child.

Do not accept to do things that do not seem right in your stomach. If it appears disproportionate to you, it is apparently bad for your child. The birth of the internet has brought thousands of information out there for you, but not all of them are reliable. Go with your sense of reasoning, and hearken to that small voice within your head that ordinarily keeps you from getting into consequential blunders.

9. Have fun It all happens too fast.
 My son is 8 years now but you asked me whether it seems like 8 years since he was given birth to, I had to tell you it seems more like 3 years or maybe three and a half year.

The time that you have with your child totally flies by quickly, so extraordinarily take your time to appreciate it. Take time out of your  work to be with your children. Take time off some day and take them along with you to the recreation playground.  Make it a habit of picking up your child from school or you could volunteer to be their soccer team instructor. Trust me, you are not going end up on your deathbed declaring, "I wish I did not waste my time with my kid and I wish I was spending more time in my office today"  rather You will declare this, "I wish I had given more time  to be with my daughter or son."

10. Discover what children want most from their Fathers.
 I heard a great colleague of mine, John, one time shared with me what children certainly want most from their fathers. They do  not care or bother what manner of job or work you do have, or the numbers of  prizes, accolades  or awards you have accumulated in your career, or what manner of educational degree you possesses. The thing that children really  want most is your time with them. They love to be with you mostly. They crave your attention, your opinion, your ear, your focus--- children just desires to be around their father. They need their "father time" plus they want you to be there for them as much as possible.

I recollect John stating that as far as  he is at home, though he may be asleep on the furniture, his children are always pleased and  happy since "dad was there in the house." Kids just want you  to be with them, be there for them and be around them." So what now happens if you (the father) is not around often? Troubles began. The children will begin to do things to grab your awareness, and most of these things are not well  planned out as you had hope. A child that has  a dad  who spends much more  time with him will ordinarily not want to get into trouble 

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Now you have learned some things about how to be a wonderful dad. I hope you enjoyed it and learned something today. Thanks for reading. If you have any contribution, you can use the comment section below to air your view. thank you
