1) On their favorite body parts—their own and each other's:
Kanye West: Is the face a body part? My favorite body part of Kim's: heart.
Kim Kardashian West: Awww, now I have to say the same. But of my own, I like my upper stomach. I just seem to always have abs.When I'm not really pregnant, I have a great two-pack. [Laughs.] And of Kanye's? I have to say his heart. And I've always loved his legs.
2) On their favorite Taylor Swift songs:
KW: For me? I don't have one.
KKW: I was such a fan of hers.
3) On their hidden talents:
KKW: I can smell when someone has a cavity. It's a very specific smell—not a bad-breath smell—but something that is really strong.
KW: I can analyze people's intentions. Immediately.That's just a warning. To everyone.
4) On thinking:
KW: Here's something that's contrary to popular belief: I actually don't like thinking. I think people think I like to think a lot. And I don't. I do not like to think at all.
5) On Kanye's real age:
KW: I told my trainer today, I'm a mix of a 14-year-old high schooler and a 60-year-old guy. It can never fall into the 30s or the 40s. It has to be 100 percent 60 or 100 percent 14, no in between.
6) On the virility of Kanye's clothing:
KW: I want to say a controversial thing for this article… What designer on the planet can sell, consistently, 40,000 shoes. In two minutes?
KKW: One minute.
7) On Kim's nude selfies:
KW: I love her nude selfies. Like, I love the ones from the side, the back ones, and the front. I just love seeing her naked; I love nudity. And I love beautiful shapes. I feel like it's almost a Renaissance thing, a painting, a modern version of a painting. I think it's important for Kim to have her figure. To not show it would be like Adele not singing.
8) On Kanye's nude selfies:
KW: I used to do nude selfies in my single days.You'd get a good cock shot here and there. [Laughs.] Gotta keep it rock 'n' roll.
9) On the last thing Kim bought Kanye:
KKW: I rented an island for his birthday.
10) On Kim looking great during her second pregnancy:
KW: You killed this second pregnancy, though.Your body slammed that crap. You made that second pregnancy your bitch.
11) On how they want to be remembered:
KKW: I'd like to be remembered as someone who was smart in business, works hard, and can be sexy and a mom. A powerful but still sexy, nonconforming woman.
KW: Your answer was so much better. I was going to say the whole thing about global warming and we're all going to be gone.