Her Madgesty has spoken. Madonna candidly discussed her feelings about Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton in this year’s presidential election during a new cover story interview with Billboard.
The “Living for Love” singer, 58 — named Billboard’s Woman of the Year — told the magazine that she is appalled at the number of female supporters Trump has, given his questionable behavior toward women. (As previously reported, the future POTUS, 70, bragged about grabbing women by their genitals without permission, as heard in a leaked 2005 Access Hollywood tape, and multiple women subsequently stepped forward and accused him of sexual assault.)
"It feels like women betrayed us. The percentage of women who voted for Trump was insanely high,” Madonna — a vocal proponent of Democratic nominee Clinton, 69 — said. “Women hate women. That's what I think it is. Women's nature is not to support other women. It's really sad. Men protect each other, and women protect their men and children. Women turn inward and men are more external.” Roughly 53 percent of white women voted for Trump.
The pop diva added, “A lot of it has do with jealousy and some sort of tribal inability to accept that one of their kind could lead a nation. Other people just didn't bother to vote because they didn't like either candidate, or they didn't think Trump had a chance in the world. They took their hands off the wheel and then the car crashed."

This isn’t the first time Madonna has spoken out against the ex-Celebrity Apprentice host and the anti-LGBT, anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant and racist rhetoric he encouraged throughout his controversial campaign. Most recently, she took a swipe at Trump at a Miami charity concert on Friday, December 2. During her set — which raised $7.5 million for the first pediatric surgery and intensive care unit in Malawi, where her son David, 11, and daughter Mercy, 10, are from — the superstar covered Britney Spears’ 2003 hit “Toxic” as images of Trump and postelection protests flashed behind her.
"Everything OK guys, so far?" she asked the audience after the number. "I'm not being too opinionated? Too extreme? I'm not insulting anyone? I must not be doing something right."
While chatting with Billboard, the Grammy winner admitted that, after thought and consideration, she can understand how Trump defeated Clinton.
"[Americans] would rather have a successful businessman running the country than a woman who lies. Just absurd. … In a way, it makes sense that Donald Trump is the president,” she told the publication. “Because money rules. Not intelligence, not experience, not a moral compass, not the ability to make wise decisions, not the ability to think of the future of the human race."