
Is Oprah Winfrey Now Thinking Of Running For President?

oprah for president! This is definitely something you need to hear…Oprah wants to maybe, possibly, run for president one day.

Anything is possible these days when it comes to running for president, and Oprah isn’t opposed to throwing her name in the ring someday. Okay, she’s not exactly getting ready to campaign right now, but she might consider taking the office of POTUS eventually.
Seriously, even the idea of the media mogul running for office makes us giddy with excitement.

During an interview for The David Rubenstein Show: Peer-to-Peer Conversations, on Bloomberg Television, the former talk show host explained she’d maybe consider the position…maybe.

The show’s host, David Rubenstein opened the door for the conversation asking the Mississippi native if she’d ever consider trying to become the first female president of the United States.
“I never considered the question even a possibility,” the 63-year-old star told Rubenstein. “I just thought, ‘Oh.’ I thought, ‘Oh, gee, I don’t have the experience. I don’t know enough.’ And now I’m thinking, ‘Oh.'”

She says that she’s changed her opinion since she saw Donald Trump get elected.

This isn’t the first time the Weight Watchers spokeswoman has been asked about the idea. She previously told Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert, “Never! No, it’s not my thing.”

Although it might not be her “thing,” perhaps she’ll come around to it and crossover into politics.

It seems highly unlikely, but but the Hollywood icon can pretty much do anything these days. Plus, people are HUGE fans of hers, so why not consider it?
Being president is NOT easy, but if anyone — at least celebrity wise — could do it, it would be Oprah.

