
O.J. Simpson Order For Nicole Brown Look-a-like Sex At Bunny Ranch

O.J. Simpson Order For  Nicole Brown Look-a-like Sex At Bunny Ranch

O.J. Simpson, back to haunt the free world, has allegedly requested a Nicole Brown look-a-like at the Bunny Ranch, according to Page Six. Terrifying, though the request has reportedly been made with a certain formality: “He sent word … to the Bunny Ranch,” by messenger, according to an insider.

O.J. shall be received, says the Bunny Ranch.

“The Bunny Ranch and the Bunny Ranch girls are anxious for O.J.’s visit,” says ranch owner Dennis Hof.


The idea is “hurriedly being put into action” as O.J.’s friend Tom Scotta “scope[s] out the establishment to ensure it’s Juice-worthy,” says Radar Online.

Yes: somebody has been hired to see that a brothel is worthy of O.J. Simpson.

