


This Condom Company Just Proves That Size Does Matter

One condom maker has made has finally answered the all-important question “Does size matter?” In short, yes, it does.

The New York Times reports that thanks to new FDA regulations, a Boston-based custom-fit condom company called Global Protection Corp. has started to sell condom that fit a variety of different sizes. Specifically, it’s offering 60 different sizes of condoms, with combinations of ten different lengths and nine different circumferences.  

The key, according to the company’s president Davin Wedel is offering smaller condoms than the currently on the market. The average condom today is about 6.69 inches long. That’s great, but the average erect penis is actually an inch shorter. That means that standard condoms often don’t fit well, and men choose not to wear them.

The whole idea behind the longer standard length was that men would roll the end of the condom to get a perfect fit. Except that results in a larger roll of uncomfortable latex at the end for shorter men.

The same can be said for circumference. Standard condoms come between 3.9 and 4.5-inches in circumference. Men with larger girth end up with an uncomfortable tightness from the condom, while smaller men may potentially run into issues with the condom slipping off.

The multi-sized condoms, which are being sold under the name “myONE” allow men to print out a ruler of sorts at home that they can use to measure. Those measurements are then translated into a ‘perfect” size for them.
