
How To Become A Virgin Again With These 7 Natural & Easy Methods

The starting years of married life are wonderful, $ex is so good for a healthy life. The partner you choose is ready to do everything for you and you feel that the butterflies live in your body. It is not necessary that the $ex life is always healthy and smooth. There are certain problems in periodic $ex like vaginal looseness and also reduces the sensation power while having $ex, women always struggle with low self-esteem, these problems come out after few days of regular $ex. Pregnancy and childbirth are also the primary cause of a stretched vagina .

In this article, we are going to give you tips about ( how to tighten vagina naturally and safely within a short period of time.)

1. Organic And Natural Diet.

One of the easiest ways for tightening vagina is through nutrition intervention. A healthy diet properly repairs your vagina’s pelvic floor. Eat foods that are organic and should contain high amount of minerals, vitamins, and proteins in a sufficient value like carrots, yarns, wheat, soybeans, and pomegranates. A well-maintained diet will keep your inner muscles strong and healthy.

2. Kegal Exercises

These exercises are more effectively work to regain the tightness. You have to find the proper muscles group to repair by exercises. To get a good and instant result, you should focus only on pelvic floor muscles. Avoid the clenching of the abdomen, thighs, and butt at the same time during exercise. One of the most appropriate solution to regain tightness of vagina is kegal exercises. A total workout can be done within 20 minutes.

3. Squatting

By participating in squats, you will get an instant and rapidly regain of lost tightness. To do squats efficiently, stand by your feet outside of hip width, make sure your toes should be at 30 degrees and also ensure that your feet are on same plan . First down your hip toward the floor and assume that you want to sit on a bench and then come back to your starting position. It is necessary to move on your heels because it will prevent you from coming to your toes. Squats are not only to tone your buttocks but also work to make your vaginal muscles more firm.

4. Pelvic Stretch

Pelvic stretch exercises are particularly targeted on the pelvic floor muscles and inhibit looseness of a vagina . To do a pelvic stretch exercise, it needs to sit on a sturdy chair. Work by sitting on the edge of the chair with your feet apart from the chair.Keep your hands on your knees with your elbows turned out. Open your arm at 180 Degree, spread your breast and fold your pelvic inner so that your front pelvic rim rises and rear rim depresses. This movement will take a long way to tone the muscles that support the pelvic floor .

5. Leg Ups

One of the most important and natural ways to tighten the vagina is leg ups. Yes, friends , this is a simple exercise but more effectively works to achieve the tightness. To perform the leg ups, you have to lie on the floor by your back and raise your legs straight up toward the roof and make the movements lift and down the legs continuously and keep the legs straight as an actual position. For achieving the best results do this exercise regularly for 21 days. It is the easiest exercise that provides a workout for whole body parts.

6. Yoga

Yoga is the another most effective method of tightening the vagina. It works on pelvic floor muscles by providing strength to the muscles.There are bridge pose and child’s pose in yoga which are helpful for tightening your pelvic muscles as they require N no. of deep breaths. It also keeps your body fit and healthy.

7. Vaginal cone

Vaginal cone is a great natural way to strengthen your vagina walls. These cones are available in different range of weights attached to them. The exercise should be done 20 minutes twice a day.There is a cone sliding in it, the lightest starts with a cone, you can easily maintain and change it to a heavy as one. Although this is a naturally tightening method, it is also a stable process that requires lots of effort but produces good results. Vaginal loose is a critical problem that affects millions of women around the world. however, the good news is that they don’t have a need to choose expensive surgeries for tightening the vagina. Instead, they can use natural methods listed above.

