


Alice Glass reveals that Ethan Kath’s Defamation Suit has been Dismissed

Ethan Kath’s defamation suit against his former Crystal Castlesbandmate Alice Glass has been dismissed, according to Glass. “I won in court today!!” she tweeted. “The defamation lawsuit against me was dismissed! Thank you so much for the love and support throughout this ugly process.” Glass continued, “This is a victory for survivors of abuse and sexual misconduct in countries where abusers use the court system to further victimize and keep people silent. WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED.” Find her tweets below. Pitchfork has not been able to independently confirm Glass’ dismissal claims. Pitchfork has contacted Alice Glass and Ethan Kath’s respective representatives.

Ethan Kath (whose real name is Claudio Palmieri) sued Alice Glass (born Margaret Osborn) for defamation over rape allegations she posted on her website. In the time since Glass’ initial allegations, more women have gone to authorities with their own stories of misconduct by Palmieri. In addition, Palmieri is currently under active criminal investigation in Toronto for sex crimes after an anonymous woman came forward and claimed he started a relationship with her when she was 15 years old.

Last week, Glass spoke with The Daily Beast about the defamation suit. She said that the suit is meant to intimidate the other alleged victims who “probably don’t have access to a lawyer and so they’d be too scared to speak out if they think they’ll be sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars.” She concluded, “I refuse to be intimidated by him.”

In January, Glass released a song called “CEASE AND DESIST.” She has said the track “is a call to arms for all survivors.”
