
Memo Reveals Obama DOJ, Comey FBI, And Clinton Campaign 'Colluded' Against Donald Trump

In her opening monologue on Friday night, Laura Ingraham reacted to the controversial memo alleging government surveillance abuses.

The memo, which was released on Friday by Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee, contains a number of bombshell allegations, including that the FBI and Justice Department relied on the infamous anti-Trump dossier to secure FISA surveillance warrants to spy on at least one member of the Trump team.

It also claims the former British spy who compiled the dossier -- which was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee -- had a personal animus toward President Donald Trump.

Ingraham said the memo reveals the "real" collusion that occurred during the 2016 election, and it wasn't between the Trump campaign and Russia.

She explained that the FBI and Justice Department knew the dossier was unverified political opposition research, but they did not tell the FISA court when obtaining a warrant for surveillance on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, according to the memo.

"The predicate for the entire Trump-Russia collusion canard, the prevailing evidence advanced to surveil Page, which would lead to the creation of the Mueller investigation and all the madness that followed, was built on the foundation of the fake Steele dossier, paid for by Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC," Ingraham said.

"There was collusion after all, you bet. The collusion was between the Comey FBI, the Obama Justice Department and the Hillary Clinton campaign."

