


Is Markle's Dad Getting into shape for his wedding suit? Markle Meghan's Dad is pictured working out in Mexico

It still hasn’t been confirmed whether he will walk his daughter down the aisle on May 19.
But Thomas Markle does appear to be trying to get in shape for Meghan’s big day.
The reclusive former Hollywood lighting director has been seen out and about in his adopted home town of Rosarito, Mexico, working out with weights as he walks – and using an outdoor exercise bike.
The 73-year-old is said to dote on his actress daughter, who will marry Prince Harryin a month. 
In turn, Miss Markle – whose father divorced her mother Doria Ragland when his daughter was just six – says she has always been a daddy’s girl.
When the royal couple announced their engagement last year, Miss Markle, 36, admitted her fiancĂ© hadn’t met her father and had to ask for her hand in marriage over the phone. 
But Markle senior is said to have started fittings for a morning suit for the big day, which will be televised live to millions.
