
Chris Brown Accuser Wanted By The Police For Theft

UPDATE (8/31/2016 1:22 p.m. ET): We're now learning Chris Brown's accuser, Baylee Curran, isn't just a beauty queen — she's afallen beauty queen!
Baylee won 2016 Miss California Regional, but the director of the pageant then discovered her past nude photos, TMZ reports.
She even lied about the photos, saying they weren't her, officials add.
That director even gave Baylee a second chance — but says the final straw was Baylee bailing on community functions and events to party on boats and attend photo shoots. She was stripped of the title, but she refuses to give back the crown.

A photo posted by Baylee Curran (@bayleecurran) on 
Original story (8/31/2016 11:33 a.m. ET): Baylee Curran went from a virtual unknown to a viral celebrity overnight after accusing singer Chris Brown of threatening her with a gun at his house. We know her name and her story, but who is she?

Luckily for those of us curious, Baylee has an Internet presence predating the current drama.

She’s a beauty queen

A photo posted by Baylee Curran (@bayleecurran) on 
Baylee is the winner of 2016 Miss California Regional, a pageant that looks for “well rounded ladies next door who are dedicated to community service, academic achievements and having their voices heard in their communities.” She placed third in 2016 Miss Los Angeles County, as well.
The 24-year-old also seems to have started a now-deleted GoFundMe campaign for her pageant career.

She’s an actress

A photo posted by Baylee Curran (@bayleecurran) on 
We’ve never heard of any of of these projects, but according to her IMDb filmography, Baylee has appeared in the TV shows Apartment 213ViceroyAbsurdTV Show, and Bros — and the movies Joker Rising and Broken Gardenias.

She’s a hobnobber

A photo posted by Baylee Curran (@bayleecurran) on 
Baylee has mingled with Hollywood stars before, including prior hangouts with Chris Brown at which Justin Bieber was present, she says. The model has also Instagrammed photos of herself with Dr. Dre, Drew Barrymore, and Corey Feldman.

She’s a suspect

A photo posted by Baylee Curran (@bayleecurran) on 
Baylee is wanted for questioning in New York City in a grand larceny case, as TMZreports.
She and a group of friends were  staying in NYC’s Plaza Hotel in 2013 when she got into a tiff with one of her gal pals and ran off with her $1,000 Louis Vuitton purse.
The hotel’s security personnel gave chase, and Baylee allegedly dropped the purse but kept the contents: credit cards, $200 in cash, and a Michael Kors wallet.

A photo posted by Baylee Curran (@bayleecurran) on 
Now the NYPD wants Baylee for questioning, the theft victim has filed a restraining order against her in Los Angeles, and Baylee’s rep says a friend is the one who stole the purse and Baylee had no idea she is a suspect.
Stay tuned to Ipresstv for more updates on Chris Brown’s arrest.

