
Report Says Federal Officials Are Battling Over Which Way Hillary Clinton Email Investigation Should Go

The FBI and the Justice Department reportedly were at odds over how to investigate Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as federal authorities announced they would take a new look at her emails.

The Wall Street Journal, citing people familiar with the matter, reported Sunday that senior law enforcement officials voiced skepticism several times of the strength of the bureau’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation, looked to condense the effort put into the probe and even told agents to limit their pursuit of the case.

The FBI initially started their investigation into the Clinton Foundation to determine whether financial crimes or influence peddling occurred related to the charity.

According to the paper, some investigators grew frustrated with the case and viewed some of the FBI leaders as uninterested. Some others involved in the case disagreed, saying that the FBI’s second-in-command Andrew McCabe was in a fight for control between the Justice Department and the FBI’s probing the foundation.

McCabe started overseeing the case into Clinton’s private email server earlier this year. However, McCabe seemed to be caught in between a rock and a hard place after it was learned last week that his wife Dr. Jill McCabe received more than $465,000 in campaign funds from a political action committee of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime Clinton ally and former foundation board member. She was running for an open state Senate seat in November, but lost.

