
Watch Video of Beyoncé's Powerful Speech Encouraging People to Vote

Beyoncé is doubling down on her commitment to getting out the vote. During her jaw-dropping Tidal X performance, Bey used her platform to encourage fans to exercise their right to vote on Nov. 8.

"I know it seems like things are bad, but if you think that can’t get worse just ask your grandparents," she said to the crowd. "Remember Barack Obama is our President. You made that happen, young people made that happen."
Then, Bey issued a call to action: Use your voice.
"We are not helpless. The fire is still burning. Please go out and vote this November. Too many people have died and sacrificed so much for us to have our voice, we have to use it. Get in formation. Use our voices to do something great for our children."
The speech went viral immediately after she gave it at Tidal X, of course, but on Friday, Beyoncé reposted the passionate clip to her Instagram, along with a caption further urging her fans/fellow Americans to vote in the presidential election:
''The right to use our voice at the polling stations this Election Day is not a privilege that should be taken lightly," she wrote. "Throughout history, from the women’s suffrage movement to the Civil Rights Movement, this is a right that we had to fight to obtain. It was our power that put the first Black president into the White House, and it was our influence that changed the course of history. Exercising the right to vote is imperative to our democracy. Click the link in my bio for local voter information, and make sure your voice is heard at the polls on November 8th."

