
This is What Your Sign Interpretes About the Guys You Fall in Love With

At first glance, it seems like most of my exes had nothing in common. One guy dressed like a 1930s barber, one guy was a surgeon, and one guy was named Paul, and he sucked. See? So little in common! But there has to be some common thread that attracts us to the guys we date, right? Or is it all just random? 

Aries: You usually find yourself coupled up with caring and charming guys (partly because you're pretty caring and charming yourself). Unfortunately, sometimes they want more of your time and energy than you are willing to give. Feel free to tell those guys to back up and defend your need for space. Or just block them on your phone. Either way. 
Taurus: Passionate and purposeful guys catch your eye since you really admire men with a strong point of view. On the other hand, you're basically known for sticking to your own point of view until death, so god help them if they're as stubborn as you are. They'll probably have to move to another state. 
Gemini: You're basically a human thrill ride, so you love charismatic and adventurous guys. If a guy has a knack for taking risks and coming out on top (aka Chris Hemsworth in pretty much any movie ever) you're smitten. Even if they're on the tame side, they still need to be able to keep up with your quick mind and thirst for variety. Otherwise, you will move on faster than anyone.

Cancer: Because your emotions run so deeply, you tend to prefer charismatic guys who provide you with some degree of emotional stability. And because you're way more likely to want a night at home than a night at the bar, you're the sign most likely to fall in love with a coworker. You see them all the time, you trust them, and you know they'll always be there. Honestly, if you could marry Jim from The Office, you would, but he isn't a real person, so you can't. 
Leo: You love intelligent and creative types who inspire you (and others) with their uniqueness, gusto, and determination. You're a born leader and definitely a show-off, so naturally your ideal "hookup bar" is a red carpet. Also, people seriously need to stop judging you for going to those events uninvited. 
Virgo: You tend to go for artistic or emotional types who soak up your supportive and nurturing qualities. This can sometimes backfire if you end up with some jerk who loves how much you do for him and doesn't give a lot in return. If that happens, it's totally OK to leave him and find someone who can shower you with attention and candy and compliments because you deserve it all. 
Libra: Energy, confidence, and a pioneering spirit are major turn-ons for you. That said, your energetic spirit can exhaust you, so you really appreciate guys who are brave and persistent enough to pursue you. Mostly because if you have to pursue one more guy who is probably an idiot, you're going to fall asleep in the middle of the street. 
Scorpio: You like nurturing, practical, and patient partners who will be by your side for the long haul and dote on you when you need it. You're a very giving sign, but let's face it — you also need a lot from your partner. Once you have someone who knows how to weather your kiiiind of erratic moods from moment to moment, you're in for good. 
Sagittarius: You love intelligent and open-minded partners who are willing to be there with you on every adventure you go on. And since you're kind of a human version of spring break, partners who have a lot of stamina and fearlessness will win your heart. 
Capricorn: Since you're almost always working, you love sensitive, loyal, and affectionate guys who make you feel nurtured and supported. Your schedule literally has no time for guys who aren't sure if they're into you or not. You're too busy being pleasantly curled up in a pile of soft blankets and cozy socks eating cheese. 
Aquarius: Your dreamy, ever-changing nature is drawn to guys who are artistic, courageous, and know exactly who they are (aka Chris Evans makes you lose your mind). There's just something about a guy who has an original point of view and won't compromise it for anyone that makes you feel safe and super excited. 
Pisces: You love consistent, helpful, and knowledgable guys who bring structure and support into your dreamy, chaos-filled world. And in return, those guys will get one of the most romantic partners they've ever had. Seriously, every day with you is like living insideThe Notebook, but less sad. 💗💗💗💗💗

