
Donald Trump Officially Elected By Electoral College To Be The 45th US President

Donald Trump will become the next President of the United States.
The former The Apprentice host has been formally elected by the Electoral College to become the 45th Commander-in-Chief.

As predicted, Republican electors did not defect and cast a ballot for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, ultimately resulting in Trump nabbing more than the 270 votes needed for his final push into the White House on Monday (Dec. 19, 2016).
According to NPR, some electors actually tried to defect from Clinton as three Democratic electors in Maine, Minnesota and Colorado tried to vote for candidates other than the former Secretary of State. However, the electors’ votes were disallowed 
Only two Republican electors defected from Trump and voted for another candidate. A third elector resigned and was replaced by an alternate, who cast a ballot for Trump.
Trump reacted to the news by tweeting. Naturally, he had to get a few jabs about the media in his statement as well.

The inauguration of Trump will take place on Jan. 20, 2017. Singers Jackie Evancho andAndrea Bocelli are said to be in talks to perform.

