
11 Things You Are Doing (Unknowingly) Stopping Your Boss From Promoting You

When you've got your eye on a promotion, it's easy to zero in on what you need to do rather that what you're already doing. But it can be our everyday actions—exactly the ones you're not paying attention to—that can keep you from climbing the ladder.

"In addition to producing excellent, substantive performance, you want to make sure you’re also cognizant of how else you’re working and being perceived by people around you," says Karen Elizaga, executive coach and author of Find Your Sweet Spot. "You want to ensure that your behavior and performance are all aligned and pointed toward promotion." And on that note, here might be 11 things you're (unknowingly) doing that are pointing you away from a promotion.

1. You're ignoring basic business etiquette. What exactly is business etiquette? It's cutting yourself off at one drink at the company happy hour—not indulging in four glasses because they're free. It's stashing your smartphone away when you're in a meeting—not Snapchatting with your BFF because you're bored. "Every organization has guidelines, traditions, and customs," says Sharlyn Lauby, president of consulting firm ITM Group Inc., founder of HR Bartender, and author of Essential Meeting Blueprints for Managers. "Follow them. And if you don’t know what they are, ask." Remaining ignorant of the etiquette that's expected of you—or willfully ignoring it—could keep you from a promotion.

2. You're just doing the work. Keeping your head down, doing your job, and hoping you get noticed is one of the surest ways that you won't, Elizaga says. Those who score promotions do their jobs well and share their successes. "Talk to your bosses and let them know about wins in your work—as well as give kudos to people who have supported you on projects," says Elizaga. "Frame their perception of you as someone who can rise up the ranks and give them evidence that they can rely on you" as more than someone who just gets the job done.

3. You're using poor grammar. You know the difference between it's and its—but in an effort to get your emails out on time, you've let a few apostrophes slip. "An occasional typo or misused word is being human," says Lauby. "But if it turns into a regular occurrence, the organization might wonder about your communication skills." If you want to brush up on your grammar skills—and set a promotion in motion—then use software such as Grammarly, or an email plugin that will catch any mistakes long before your boss does.

4. You're not asking for advice. Your bosses have already climbed the ranks—and they have the keys to success at your company. And by not asking for their advice on how to climb the corporate ladder, you could be holding yourself back. "Ask them what you can be doing to set yourself up for promotion," suggests Elizaga, inquiring about everything from mentors to continuing education classes and their own success stories. "Your curiosity will illustrate your zeal for your work, and having concrete advice on how to move up will definitely help your chances," she says.

5. You never socialize with your team. Surprise! You can and should mix business with pleasure. "Relationship building is an important component of business," she says. "If the team is going out for lunch, coffee, or drinks after work, consider going every once in a while. You don’t have to stay out until dawn and you don’t have to go every time. But companies like to promote people that they know."

6. You're working hard, not smart. "Every management team wants to see their employees operating diligently," says Elizaga. "But sometimes you can work too hard and not smart—meaning you put in massive overtime, but don’t deliver quality work." What's more, being so focused on your own workload inhibits your ability to step in as a leader and a visionary for your company, Elizaga says. Your bosses need to see that you can work beyond you own workload. "You can’t do that if you are only looking into your computer screen," Elizaga points out. "Give your boss the opportunity to see you taking initiative and being an inspired leader."

7. You never learn anything new. You know how to do your job—and you know how to do it well. But if you haven't proved you can learn new tricks, chances are you could get passed over for a promotion. "When a person is promoted, they have new things to learn," explains Lauby. Therefore, "organizations want to know that the employee being promoted will learn what they need to know," she says. "Showing the initiative to learn new things tells the company that you’re committed to getting the knowledge and skills to be successful. And you can demonstrate this by goal setting and asking to participate in training or new work experiences."

8. You assume you don't need to change. In your last review, you got some critical feedback, but you brushed it off as your boss being out of touch. Next time, don't be so quick to dismiss it. "When you get feedback, be open to it and actively take it on," says Elizaga. "Make it a point to focus on doing the things they’re advising, and leaving behind the things that are unproductive. Your willingness to shift behavior shows your adaptability and desire to improve, both keys to being a good leader."

9. You're complaining too much. "We all have those days when everything goes wrong," says Lauby. But we're not talking about those moments. "This is about the people at your organization who complain about every little thing," she says. "You know, the ones that, if there were a tree in the cafeteria with $20 bills on it free for the picking, you would complain that they weren’t $50 bills." If you let loose within earshot of your boss—or a gossiping coworker—you could hurt your chances for a promotion. "Organizations want to promote people who know when to pick their battles," Lauby explains. If you can keep your cool and stay positive, "you'll send the message that you will use your influence wisely."

10. You're not paying attention to everyone in your organization.Elizaga says she's heard from clients and friends alike that employees sabotage their chances of a promotion because they're kind and collegial to the people they think matter—and dismissive of the janitors, receptionists, or their bosses' secretaries. "Not only are they same as you—human—but there's a chance that all of these people have been there longer than you have, and in fact, may have the ear of the people, who make decisions in your quest for a promotion," says Elizaga. "People like seeing good things happen for good people, so pay attention and be kind so that you can garner support all around you. Not only will you enhance your chances of being promoted, but you will make your work environment a better place."

11. You haven't actually told anyone you want a promotion. Despite what we may think, "managers do not have super secret sensory perception," Lauby says. "So don’t make the assumption that they know your career goals." Instead, be sure to tell your employer what you want at the opportune moment. "You can bring it up during one-on-one meetings or your annual performance review," suggests Lauby. "In fact, when you tell your manager you want to be considered for a promotion, ask them what you need to do to get it. It could be very helpful."

