
Murdered British Principal, dumped in Amazon River Posted Cryptic Tweet Before Death

A former British principal who was murdered and dumped in the Amazon River while kayaking wrote a cryptic tweet foreshadowing her own death.

Emma Kelty, 43, of London was killed after being robbed then dumped in the Amazon River -- where her body has yet to be recovered. Brazilian Police said three suspects, including a teenager, were in custody in connection to Kelty's death.
Kelty resigned from her job in 2014 so she could travel, the Sacramento Bee reported. She had skied to the South Pole and hiked 2,600 miles in the U.S. before deciding to kayak alone down the Amazon River. The former educator wrote about her journey on her social media pages.
One post talked about her fear of being robbed or murdered in a remote jungle area of northern Brazil used by drug traffickers.
While kayaking alone on the river on Sept. 10, the principal tweeted: “So in or near Coari (100 km away) I will have my boat stolen and I will be killed too. Nice.”

Later she wrote: “Am in the clear. All ok.”
However, Kelty posted not too long after that she saw men in boats with arrows.
“Today started fighting my paddling way through 20km of storms!!! Got through town no problem and just took a sigh of relief .... and then.... Turned corner and found 50 guys in motor boats with arrows!!! My face must have been a picture!! (Town was uber quiet... too quiet!!) all good.”
She added: “Ok 30 guys .... but either way... that’s a lot of folks in one area in boats with arrow and rifles,” Kelty wrote.
Brazil’s navy said Kelty was between the cities of Codajas and Coari when she activated an emergency beacon. Her kayak and some personal belongings have been recovered.
Amazonas state police homicide division said the teenager, who confessed to taking part in the slaying, told authorities he was with six others at the time of the murder. The teen told police Kelty was shot and dumped in the Solimoes River.
Police said the suspected killers tried to sell her GoPro camera, tablet and two cell phones, the BBC reported.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

