
Ooops! Watch Donald Trump Saying He Spoke to Virgin Islands President, Of Which Trump Himself Is President

Oops! President Donald Trump said during a speech that he recently spoke with the president of the Virgin Islands, who is actually Trump himself.
"I left Texas, and I left Florida, and I left Louisiana, and I went to Puerto Rico, and I met with the president of the Virgin Islands," the former Celebrity Apprenticehost, 71, told the audience at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, October 12. "We are one nation and we all hurt together, we hope together and we heal together."


Trump claims he met with the president of the U.S. Virgin Islands, signaling a major breakthrough in human cloning technology.
Trump said he met w/ the president of the Virgin Islands. Can someone please let him know that HE is the president of the Virgin Islands

