
Mom Reportedly Kills Her Two Daughters and Tells Husband: ‘Babe I Just Shot the Kids’

A Texas woman was arrested early Thursday morning for allegedly shooting her two daughters while they slept.
Sarah Nicole Henderson, 29, allegedly shot her little ones Kaylee Danielle, 7, and Kenlie, 5.
Henderson’s husband and step-father to the girls, Jacob Henderson, called police to their home near Mabank, Texas, for the second time that evening, according to the Associated Press.
Jacob made a prior call to 911 on Wednesday at about 11:30 p.m. to report that his wife was possibly suicidal, CBS News reported.

Kaylee Danielle (left) and Kenlie

“My wife she’s like, I don’t know,” Jacob told a dispatcher in the first call. “She won’t listen to me. She won’t talk to me.”
When deputies responded, the couple reported no problems. Three hours later, Jacob called again, this time franticly telling police that his wife had shot her two daughters, according to CBS News.

The AP reported Jacob could be heard sobbing in the call, saying, “She was asleep when I went to sleep last night. I woke up and she came in there [and] said, ‘Babe, I just shot the kids.’ And I didn’t want to believe it. I went in there and they were dead.”

Sarah Nicole Henderson

He said the girls were both sleeping the living room, and that they had been shot in the head. According to the AP, Sarah could be heard in the background asking her husband to kill her or shoot her, at one point yelling, “God what did I do?”
Henderson County Sheriff Botie Hillhouse told ABC News that the mother had confessed to the killings and said she’d been planning to kill her daughters and her husband for several weeks. Hillhouse said she had told investigators she had planned to kill herself, too, according to the outlet.
“She did try to shoot her husband,” Hillhouse said. “The gun malfunctioned. He took the pistol then realized the daughters had been shot. We don’t have a motive at all. We’re still digging, trying to figure out what was going on at that house at the time.”
Sarah has been charged with one count of capital murder, but another capital charge is pending and other charges are possible, the AP reported. She is currently being held at the Henderson County Jail on suicide watch, with her bond set at $2 million, according to ABC News.
GoFundMe page has been organized for the girls’ memorial.
WFAA reported Sarah had been investigated by Child Protective Services in 2010, but that the information was confidential. Neighbors of the family told WFAA they were in shock over the deaths.
“I just asked God to cuddle them and love them, and put his hands around them up there,” Jackie Nelms, a neighbor, said.

Jaylyne Palmer, who also lived next to the family, told the outlet, “Those little girl were so adorable. They would draw pictures for us and put them in the mailbox for us.”

