
Gold Star Dad Praises Trump Effort to undo Obama-Era Rules of Engagement

The father of fallen Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn praised President Trump for his efforts to change Obama-era rules of engagement in the war against ISIS.
Billy Vaughn said the military's restrictive rules of engagement in 2011 contributed to the tragedy that caused his son's death.
On August 6, 2011, Vaughn was aboard a chopper that was shot down over Afghanistan. It was the single largest loss of American life in the history of the SEALs.
"We do believe there are many things that happened that night, that if one of those things didn't happen, Aaron might be alive today," Billy Vaughn said.

Gold Star father Billy Vaughn discusses why new rules of engagement under @POTUS are saving military lives. @IngrahamAngle
He said America has the "most efficient military the world has ever seen."

Vaughn said that under Obama-era rules of engagement, it was extremely difficult to get approval for "pre-assault fire" on enemy combatants.
He said helicopter pilots believed there was a one-in-a-million chance to get such actions approved by the Obama administration.
Vaughn said President Trump pledged to give his officers on-the-ground in warzones more deference to make their own decisions, rather than have directives come from Washington.
"Under Obama, a lot of that authority was being done by people in Washington, D.C. [who have] never seen a theater of war," Vaughn said.

Watch more above from "The Ingraham Angle."

