
Hillary Clinton Says GOP Tax Plan Will "Hurt So Many People"

Stopping by Ellen DeGeneres' daytime talk show, the former presidential candidate and the host talked about how they joked before the 2016 election about doing an interview at the White House.

Stopping by The Ellen DeGeneres Show on Friday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recapped what she'd been up to since her last, pre-2016-election appearance on the show and shared her concerns about the GOP tax bill.
“It seems like the last time I saw you, you said we were gonna do this show in the White House and we were all excited about that,” DeGeneres was quick to mention to the former presidential candidate. “We would’ve too,” Clinton agreed, before adding, “Well, it didn’t work out that way. So, I thought I’d come back and see how you were doing.”
When DeGeneres jokingly responded, “Not so good,” Clinton explained how she’s working to keep a “positive frame of mind.” “I always say, when people ask me ‘How are you,’ I say, ‘Well as a person, I’m okay, but as an American, I’m really concerned.'”
Although Clinton said she is on a “news diet” and avoids watching it in excess, she felt compelled to share her concerns about the GOP's tax plan.

“When they push through this tax plan, it’s gonna hurt so many people. It’s gonna help a lot of really rich people. That’s who they care about. That’s who their donors are, but it’s gonna hurt,” Clinton candidly explained. “I mean, can you imagine taking away the deduction for teachers who buy supplies for their classrooms? I mean, who thinks like that? There’s a lot that’s going to end up hurting people. And then obviously flaming the flames of white supremacy and misogyny, homophobia and everything else that is unfortunately at work.”
Clinton also reflected on how she now has a greater sense of the issues that contributed to her election loss. 
“It was a perfect storm,” Clinton explained of the election. “I mean, there were a lot of currents of resentment and anger about all kinds of things. In the country, there was a lot of sexism, misogyny, which now thankfully we’re kinda pulling out of the dark and talking about. ... The Russians were much more involved than even I understood.”
Despite the circumstances, Clinton revealed that finds she peace in being able to do things she enjoys, like spending time with family and friends. To celebrate the upcoming holidays, DeGeneres took a moment to attempt to give Clinton's signature outfit a festive upgrade.
“It’s the holiday season. You like a pantsuit. Ugly sweaters are very popular. I don’t know if you know that,” DeGeneres told Clinton, proceeding to gift her with a Christmas decorative pantsuit that Clinton dubbed as “perfect.”

