
Watch local residents Rush to rescue Citizen Trapped in Burning Bus

When a city bus suddenly caught on fire last Wednesday, nearby pedestrians wasted no time in rushing to the rescue of those caught on board.
The Yibing City bus, which was in the Sichuan Province, suddenly caught fire and trapped an elderly passenger inside.
Onlookers immediately broke the windows and started attacking the blaze with water and fire extinguishers. One local shop owner was seen on CCTV footage rushing onto the bus and pulling the passenger to safety outside the bus.
Within two minutes, the crowd had extinguished the fire.
Thanks to the quick actions of the spectators, there were no casualties from the blaze.
“Everyone would do the same as what I did under such circumstances. If I were trapped on the bus, other people will do the same thing to save me. It’s normal,” said heroic shop owner Pan Haifeng, according to CCTV Plus.
(WATCH the video below)

