
Parkland Shooting Survivor Calls Out Melania Trump For Allowing Her Stepson To Cyberbully Victims

The students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the site of last week's deadly school shooting, have had enough with the government's hypocrisy. And that goes for the first lady, too.
On Friday, 14-year-old Lauren Hogg, who survived the shooting and has become a vocal member of the #NeverAgain movement, took to Twitter to call out First Lady Melania Trump for allowing her stepson, Donald Trump Jr., to cyberbully her, her family and fellow classmates.
"Hey @FLOTUS you say that your mission as First Lady is to stop cyberbullying, well then, don’t you think it would have been smart to have a convo with your step-son @DonaldJTrumpJr before he liked a post about a false conspiracy theory which in turn put a target on my back," Hogg wrote in her first tweet.
You may remember that upon her husband taking office, Mrs. Trump said her cause during her husband's presidency would be to stop cyberbullying. At the time, it was considered the irony to end all ironies as her husband is a well-noted cyber-bullier himself. But, this latest tweet with Trump Jr. is perhaps another example of Mrs. Trump deciding to ignore what's going on under her own roof.

Hey @FLOTUS you say that your mission as First Lady is to stop cyber bullying, well then, don’t you think it would have been smart to have a convo with your step-son @DonaldJTrumpJr before he liked a post about a false conspiracy theory which in turn put a target on my back

You see, Trump Jr. gave some undo credence to a conspiracy theory claiming that several of the student survivors of Florida were "crisis actors" and not students at all when he liked a tweet attacking Hogg's older brother, David Hogg. In that tweet, a conspiracy theorist claimed that since David and Lauren's father was an ex-FBI agent they were simply serving the FBI's agenda.
In a second tweet, Hogg continued by saying that by allowing Donald Trump Jr. to favorite the tweet, Mrs. Trump and Trump Jr. created a "safe space for people all over the world to call me and my family horrific things that constantly re-victimizes us and our community. I’m 14 I should never have had to deal with any of this and even though I thought it couldn’t get worse it has because of your family."
Hey @FLOTUS you say that your mission as First Lady is to stop cyber bullying, well then, don’t you think it would have been smart to have a convo with your step-son @DonaldJTrumpJr before he liked a post about a false conspiracy theory which in turn put a target on my back
&created a safe space for people all over the world to call me and my family horrific things that constantly re-victimizes us and our community. I’m 14 I should never have had to deal with any of this and even though I thought it couldn’t get worse it has because of your family.

Let's make this clear: Lauren and David Hogg are not actors, they are children. Moreover, they are children that had to bear witness to one of the deadliest mass school shootings in American history and had to bury several of their friends over the last few days.
"I just think it's a testament to the sick immaturity and broken state of our government when these people feel the need to pedal conspiracy theories about people that were in a school shooting where 17 people died and it just makes me sick," David told Buzzfeed News about Trump Jr. favoriting the tweets. David added, "It's immature, rude, and inhuman for these people to destroy the people trying to prevent the death of the future of America because they won't."

