
ADVICE! Stop Exaggerating This Skill on Your CV Immediately

We’re all guilty of stretching the truth on our résumés. (Of course we single-handedly boosted our company’s year-end numbers.) But according to a recent survey, many of us are also exaggerating one specific skill to look smarter to potential employers—and it’s one fib that could easily be found out. What is it? Read on.
Language-learning app Babbel recently surveyed 3,000 English speakers in the U.S. and the U.K., and discovered that 12 percent—that’s one in eight people—have exaggerated their language skills on their résumé, claiming to speak a second language when they only speak English. Why? The survey revealed that 71 percent of Americans—and 64 percent of U.K. residents—think speaking more than one language makes a person seem more attractive—even to employers. In fact, 26 percent of Americans think that a lack of language skills could even hold them back in their careers.

But we’re not going out and actually taking French lessons—even if we’re adding a second language to our résumés. Americans think French will make them most appealing—read: smart-sounding—to their potential employers, followed closely by German. U.K. residents, meanwhile, might be more likely to add Russian—yes, Russian—to their résumés.
Yes, adding a second-language skill may make you seem more worldly or educated. And by adding, say, Russian to your list of skills, you run little risk of being found out. (Still, we're not saying to do it.)

But before you add a more commonly spoken second-language to your résumé, ask yourself if this particular lie is really worth it. Because if you interview with a woman who spent a semester abroad in Paris, your fib will quickly be found out—likely costing you the job you could have snagged on your real smarts alone.

