
Angelina Jolie Surprises us With What She Ask For In Her Divorce Papers.

Babel star might not be hanging on to the baubles. Angelina Jolie-Pitt filed for divorce from Brad Pitt on Monday, September 19, and recently released documents reveal some expensive possessions that the actress and humanitarian is hoping to keep.

Listed under "separate property," Jolie, 41, is asking the Ocean's Eleven star, 52, for "miscellaneous jewelry and other personal effects." She is also requesting "earnings and accumulations" that she made "from and after the date of separation."
The document goes on to ask for "additional separate property assets," although it adds "the exact nature and extent of which are not presently known."

The Girl, Interrupted Oscar winner requests physical custody of their kids, and lists Hollywood lawyer Laura Wasser as her divorce attorney. Jolie asks that Pitt get joint legal custody, and she is not seeking spousal support.
A source told Ipresstv that the pair have butted heads over parenting techniques for their six children, Maddox, 15, Pax, 12, Zahara, 11, Shiloh, 10 and twins Knox and Vivienne, 8. “They came so close to this before,” the insider told ipresstv, pointing out that they have had numerous spats. "They fought a lot over the years and disagreed about many things.”

A different source told Ipresstv that Jolie decided just a week ago to end their marriage of two years. 
A third insider said that the couple had "a lot of very heated political fights.”

