
Simone Biles Responds To Drug-Testing Leak After World Anti-Doping Agency Database Has Been Hacked

Simone Biles has spoken out after Russian hackers broke into a World Anti-Doping Agency database and leaked her confidential medical data. 
The hackers, who go by the name Fancy Bear, revealed records for “Therapeutic Use Exemptions,” which allow athletes to use banned substances for valid medical reasons. According to ABC News, the leaked documents showed that Biles has tested positive for the ADHD drug methylphenidate (commonly know as Ritalin), but it wasn’t illegal because the International Gymnastics Federation approved her use of the medication.

The gymnast, who took home five medals (including four golds) at the Rio Olympics, addressed the situation on Twitter on Tuesday, September 13, by opening up about her condition. “I have ADHD and I have taken medicine for it since I was a kid,” she wrote. "Please know, I believe in clean sport, have always followed the rules, and will continue to do so as fair play is critical to sport and is very important to me.”
She added in a follow-up tweet, “Having ADHD, and taking medicine for it is nothing to be ashamed of nothing that I’m afraid to let people know.” 
USA Gymnastics also issued a statement on Twitter, confirming that the gymnast didn’t break any rules. “In keeping with official protocols of the U.S. Anti-Doping Association and WADA, Biles submitted and was approved for a therapeutic-use exemption (TUE), the proper paperwork for any medications that an athlete takes for an illness or condition that requires the use of a medication included on the WADA Prohibited Drug List, for prescribed medication(s) she takes,” the statement said. “By virtue of the TUE, Biles has not broken any drug-testing regulations, including at the Olympic Games in Rio."
Other athletes targeted in the hack include tennis players Serena and Venus Williams and basketball player Elena Delle Donne

