
Why Every Human Should Sleep Naked -- ScienTIFIC Explanation

Burn your pajamas and throw away the oversized t-shirts. We all need a little bit more nudity in our lives, especially when it comes to sleeping.
DNews neatly wraps up all the latest science on the benefits of sleeping au naturale in this recent short video. The logic behind it is fairly simple – we sleep better at slightly lower body temperatures, and the less clothing, the less heat. A very slight increase in temperature can increase activity in areas of the brain that regulate sleep cycles, resulting in a more disturbed sleep. Studies have shown that a decrease even as tiny as 0.4°C (1.1°F) can make all the difference.

For guys, that temperature drop can help increase your sperm count, since sperm is best produced at temperatures just below our core body temperature. For women, being free from restrictive clothing can allow your private bits to air and cool, which is important since harmful bacteria can easily thrive in warm and moist areas.
Sleeping naked with a partner also has its biochemical benefits. Skin-to-skin contact is proven to increase the release of oxytocin, the so-called “love hormone”, which can boost your mood, help maintain your immune system, and even spark feelings of emotional intimacy.
Just in case you needed any more excuses to sleep in your birthday suit, check out the video below.

