
15 Unbelievable Things Every Heartbroken Girl Want Guys to Know

1. She might not be ~actively~ looking for anyone new. The thing about heartbreak is that it torpedoes into your life and you have no idea when it's going to leave. It's almost like a bad cold: You're still capable of doing things, but chances are you aren't out meeting hot singles in your area on a Friday night. You might get over it when you meet someone new you're excited about, or it might just disappear one day, and you won't even notice it's gone because you finally feel normal again. What I'm trying to say is when a lady is tending to her wounded heart, she might not be actively seeking another mate, but that doesn't mean you don't have a chance. (Unless she says no. If she says no, respect that. Thank you.)

Me when single: being in a relationship sounds nice
Me when someone asks me to be his girlfriend: idk, I feel like that's a social construct

2. She's probably won't trust you right away. The thing about most men is they lie, and they do so all the time. JK, but also not! Because that's the mindset many women are in after an acrimonious split. You have to ~earn~ her trust; you can't expect for her to automatically grant it to you. Because that's what she did with the last guy she was with and look how that turned out...

men are very very very very very very very very very very very very bad
3. She wants to believe there are still good guys out there. MAKE HER BELIEVE. (Also make me believe. I absolutely want to believe!)

4. Be clear about what you're looking for. If you're looking for something casual, she could be down, but don't insinuate you want a wifey when you're just looking for a fling. This is a rule that should be applied when you date anyone. Don't keep your girl in emotional purgatory by treating her like she's somewhere between a fuck buddy and a girlfriend. Clarity is compassionate! (CC: My exes.)

It Happened To Me: I Did Wifey Shit For A Fuckboy

5. There might be places she doesn't want to go for dates. Maybe her ex dumped her at an ice cream parlor and now the sight of a hot fudge sundae inspires tears instead of excitement. 

[at jiffy lube]
me: haha.. can i buy some lube lol. like for sex
worker: thats not funny
me: can you help me get my ex wife back
6. If she doesn't want to talk about her last relationship, respect that. Why drudge up all that pain at the beginning of your courtship?
7. Although it might come out in unexpected ways. Sometimes there's nothing better than kvetching about your garbage ex to your new man. Sometimes there's nothing worse!

please do not appreciate the color yellow around me it was my ex's favorite color
8. She might be a little down on herself. Turns out having a shitty ex hits that ol' self-esteem pretty hard, so if your new girl is a little down on herself, take note. Maybe try to make her feel better or something. Again, compassion is key!
9. She might still be angry. The thing about heartbreak is that it easily escalates from "my breakup was bad" to "my ex is bad" to "men are bad" so bear with her misandrist jokes. (And laugh at them because they're funny as hell.)

Roasting bad men on twitter dot com is extremely good but it's also okay to admit you do it bc you are deeply hurt
10. But for real, women aren't an enigma, Just ask what's going on. When a woman expresses what she wants, she's often seen as crazy and demanding because of a little thing called the patriarchy or whatevz. So sometimes we don't speak up about what we want, and we're subsequently seen as withholding and bitchy. Since it's basically a lose-lose situation for us, just ask us what's going on if our behavior confuses you. Treat her like a fully formed human being and you'll be a-OK!

being a woman is basically playing a game of "would u rather"

would u rather be a crazy & demanding slut
or a boring ass nice girl pushover

