
Here Are 10 Points Showing That Being in A Relationship Gives You A Healthier and Happier Life

Dating can be fun sometimes‒meeting new people, going out to new places, feeling the excitement of a potential new relationship. But be honest‒do you really enjoy it? Do you like the stress of figuring out where to go, how to dress, and what to talk about? Do you have fun while you’re struggling to make it through dinner without climbing out the bathroom window? Do you laugh while waiting for the second date call?

Exactly. It’s just not fun after a certain point. But don’t feel like you’re settling down when you find that special someone. Relationships don’t have to be boring! In fact, being in a relationship makes your life better and healthier! Here’s why.

1. You act less selfishly.

How many times have you been too tired to cook dinner for yourself? I’m raising my hand. But knowing my sweetie also had a long day lights a fire inside of me, and I’m willing to go above and beyond just to make him feel good. Being in a relationship makes you think about someone other than yourself‒which isn’t limited to just your partner! Considering the feelings of one person in particular leads you to think about the feelings of others in general‒which is a benefit for you and everyone around you!

2. Your stress levels are lowered.

Having your partner by your side means you have someone to carry some of the weight of your life. If you’re having a busy day, your partner can help you out with the chores when you get home. If something’s weighing on your mind, you have someone to talk with. Don’t forget about how stressful it is to go to a party or a bar and feel like you have to catch someone’s eye. You have your partner by your side or waiting for you at home. There’s no pressure to meet someone and impress them. In fact, being in a committed relationship has been shown to hinder the production of a stress hormone called cortisol!

3. Your risk of depression is reduced.

One of the major starting points of depression is feeling alone. When you’re with your sweetie, you’re not alone! Just knowing you have someone there for you makes you feel happier. You have someone to talk to, someone to cuddle with, someone for the good times and the bad.

4. You feel happier.

Common sense, right? There’s less stress, less depression, of course, you’re happier! There are even scientific studies that show married people being happier and living longer than their unmarried peers. That doesn’t mean you need to go tie the knot today, and it doesn’t mean that being single is a crime, but from a health standpoint, it just makes sense.

5. You feel invincible.

OK, not really. But you’ll certainly feel like it. You know that all-over good feeling you get when you’re happy in a relationship? That’s your body releasing the love hormone, oxytocin. Oxytocin not only makes you feel good; it also boosts your immune system so you’re less likely to get sick, and your wounds heal faster. Love might not actually be a drug, but it certainly can feel like the best one!

6. You feel like someone gets you.

How many times have you and your partner said the same thing at the same moment, gotten each other the perfect gift without a wish list, or exclaimed “That’s exactly what I was thinking!” It’s fun, right? And more than fun, it means they can tell when you’re happy or sad, and act accordingly to help you blow off some steam and feel better. Having someone who knows you deeply is an amazing feeling.

7. You learn about yourself.

It seems like being in a relationship means you’ll learn about your partner, right? And you will. But in that time, you’ll also learn a lot about yourself. You’ll see how you act with someone else, or how considerate you are. You might learn about some hidden good things, and they might make you a better person and turn your life around. But you’re definitelygoing to learn bad things. Thankfully, these too can make you a better person and help you turn your life around. Every bad quality you have is going to come out in a relationship, but once you learn about it, you can address it and remedy the issue. Knowing yourself makes you a better person‒and a better person to be in a relationship with.

8. Your world is expanded.

Being in a relationship means you get to hear about your partner’s interests. You’ll be exposed to new authors, musicians, and movies‒and you’ll already know they’re good! You get to meet new friends to talk and hang out with, and you’ll meet his family and hopefully become close with them (or at least realize yours isn’t that bad!).

9. You learn to compromise.

In a relationship, you have to share. You share living space, dinner plans, and nights out with friends. You split holidays with families. You learn how to give a little and how to get a little. This makes you a better person because you’re showing your love, you’re showing your flexibility, and you’re showing that you care enough to work together. A bonus is that this talent will come in handy in other areas of your life‒especially in your career!

10. You can stay healthy together.

Sure, all of these tips make you see how your life is better and healthier with a partner. But what about actually getting healthier with your partner? You have someone to join a gym with, to go on runs around the neighborhood with, or to inspire you to work out in the living room. Having a partner can be the best motivation for a workout.

