
Lena Dunham Gives Reasons She Will Never Live Outside The US. She's Not Going To Canada

Before the election happened, Lena Dunham said she was moving to Canada, as did a lot of other people. Since we like keeping the Girls star right here in America with us, we were kinda hoping she was just saying that as a means of expressing some pre-election stress (hey, we feel you there, girl). And in a lengthy statement on Instagram, Lena Dunham said she’s not moving to Canada after all. PHEW.

In her statement, posted the day before Thanksgiving (a time when we’re all reflecting on what it means to be American and to live in America past, present, and future), Dunham made some extremely good points about just why she’s decided to not high-tail it over the northern border:
“Today I received a letter (yes, on paper) that read “don’t let the door hit you on the ass when you cross the border into Canada.” This is actually on of the more polite notes I’ve gotten recently, and I’ll survive it just fine. And you know what else I’ve realized I can survive, as a Jewish pro-choice sexual assault survivor with a queer family member and a belief that we are all exactly & beautifully equal? I can survive staying in this country, MY country, to flight and love and use my embarrassment of blessings to do what’s right.”

Hell yes, Lena! We’re with you. And we’re *very* glad you’re planning to stay with us too.

