
Student Allegedly Wanted To Kill His Girlfriend By Pouring Bleach In Her Drink To Cause A Forceful Abortion

A college student in Millersville, Pennsylvania was charged with attempted murder on Friday after allegedly giving his pregnant girlfriend water mixed with bleach in an attempt to kill the fetus.

Theophilous Washington, 20, allegedly suggested his girlfriend drink the tainted water as she was leaving his apartment on Thursday evening. After she returned to her dorm room on campus at Millersville University, she suddenly "experienced a burning sensation in her throat before vomiting uncontrollably," People reports. She then called 911 and was taken to the hospital, where doctors confirmed that both she and the two-month-old fetus appeared to be unharmed.

Washington was arrested on Friday and charged with reckless endangering and criminal attempt to commit first-degree murder of an unborn child.

"The charges are twisted and the intended result nothing short of horrifying," District Attorney Craig Stedman said in a statement.

Prosecutors added that Washington has admitted to putting bleach in the water bottle before giving it to his girlfriend, adding that, "He had stated previously that he did not want the female to have the child."

Washington is currently in custody on $1 million bail. He has not entered a plea deal, and it is unclear at this time if he has retained an attorney. Additional charges may still be filed as the investigation continues.

Additional reporting from The Associated Press.

