
Trump’s Tweets Berating Corker Could cost him a key policy ally

President Trump has his fair share of critics in Congress, but with one Sunday morning tweetstorm, he has risked making a policy rival out of someone who could have counted as an ally for his agenda.

Trump’s Twitter rant against Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) comes just days before Trump is expected to announce that he will not certify Iran is in compliance with the nuclear pact with reached with world powers in 2015, the first in a highly orchestrated series of steps that White House, State Department and congressional officials — primarily Corker, as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee — have been planning for months.


It also comes as Congress is diving into tax reform, a must-win issue for the GOP if it hopes to check off any bit of its promised agenda in 2017. Corker is one of the Senate’s most committed deficit hawks and outspoken members on tax policy.

