
Eerie figure caught on camera at crash scene sparks alien and ghost fears

An eerie figure spotted in a crash scene video has sent chills down the spines of viewers who apparently think it might be an alien or a ghost.
The video was filmed by a witness in the aftermath of a collision between a van and a car in the city of Cipolletti, in the central Argentine province of Rio Negro.

It shows a car flipped over on its side and a man leaning in its open door to talk to a victim trapped inside.
But standing by an open ambulance door, a mysterious grey figure is can be seen.
It looks almost like the person is wearing a mask with sunglasses over the top.
Some online commenters even suggested it was a ghost, or an alien visitor come for a peek at a human disaster.
But local media probed the video and discovered the mysterious grey man was in fact ambulance driver Pedro Moguillansky.
It was reported that Moguillansky, who is bald and was wearing sunglasses, only appeared to be a grey alien thanks to a trick of the light affecting the camera of the smartphone that shot the clip.
It was reported that Moguillansky helped clear away debris from the crash as well as ferrying victims to hospital.
Three unnamed victims were pulled from the wreckage of the accident, though none were said to be seriously injured.

