
Hemorrhoids: What are the Causes, Symptoms, Remedies

Hemorrhoids refer to vascular structures in the anal canal. Normally, they serve as support for stool control; however, it becomes a pathology if they become inflamed or swollen. The condition, which is common in adults and elderly, can be internal or external. Internal hemorrhoids usually painless while external hemorrhoids are painful in generally. The following are the causes, symptoms, and remedies for hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids have various causes. According to Mayo Clinic, these include straining during bowel movement, sitting for prolonged periods in the toilet, chronic diarrhea or constipation, obesity, pregnancy, anal intercourse, and low-fiber diet. As per the publication, the condition is due to the stretching of the anal veins under pressure and with the aforementioned causes, they may swell due to increase pressure in the lower part of the rectum. As for the geriatric considerations, hemorrhoids are also common in the elderly, since the tissues that support the rectal and anal veins become weak that they stretch.
Signs and Symptoms
Hemorrhoids also present several symptoms. According to Health Line, the symptoms include irritation on the anal area, itch around the anus, fecal leakage, an itchy or painful lump near the anus, and painful bowel movement. As per the publication, frequent hemorrhoids may also develop symptoms of anemia like pallor (paleness) and weakness secondary to blood loss. However, this instance is rare.
Home Remedies
Although therapy and medications are available as treatment for hemorrhoids, home remedies can also be done to manage the condition.
High Fiber
One remedy for hemorrhoids is high fiber food intake. This will take into effect, since one of the causes of the condition is a low fiber diet. According to Mayo Clinic, it is recommended to consume foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, as their fiber content help soften the stool and increase its bulk; thus, straining during defecation will also be prevented. As per the publication, fiber is gradually added to the person’s diet to prevent gas problems, such as in gas-forming vegetables lettuce and cabbage.

Cold Compress
Cold therapy serves as another way to manage hemorrhoids. According to Get Rid of Hemorrhods Guide, the application of cold makes hemorrhoids smaller, since it reduces inflammation. As a result, the pressure in the area will be reduced; thus pain and itching will also be reduced. Also, the person will find that passing stools is much easier, since the inflammation has been resolved. To apply, the person wraps some ice in a clean cloth and applies the cloth directly over the hemorrhoids. This can be done several times a day to promote vasoconstriction or narrowing of the blood vessels and reduce the hemorrhoids.
Another remedy for hemorrhoids is squatting in the toilet. According to Natural Society, this remedy is actually vital, but overlooked. As per the publication, sitting down during bowel movement places strain on the rectum while squatting straightens the rectum, as well as relaxes the puborectalis muscle. It is indicated that squatting is done in conventional toilets, a reason behind the low incidence of hemorrhoids in less developed territories.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera can also be used to manage hemorrhoids, as per Medicine Net. According to the publication, the plant serves as a strong laxative, which helps soften the stools, preventing the person from straining. In addition, aloe vera also helps reduce bladder spasms in disorders like urinary tract infection.
Hemorrhoids are abnormally inflamed structures in the anal canal, which may be painful or not. In this regard, it is important to seek medical consult with a health professional, especially if pain in the anal area is present. This is for proper assessment, planning, intervention, education, and evaluation.


