
The 7 Best Effective Ways to Rewire Your Brain

Science has found that affirmations work, that our brains are malleable and can be rewired by our thoughts. Fortunately for us, with practice, we can control our thoughts. Using positive affirmations is a quick and effective way to change our thought patterns and, subsequently, our brain activity, to move toward our goals. Here are seven ways to rewire your brain with affirmations.
1. Subliminals – What You Can’t Hear Can Help You
Subliminal recordings may be the key for many of us who do not have the time to devote to a stand-alone affirmations practice. Perfect for multi-taskers, positive self-talk is one of the few personal development practices that can be done while at work, driving, working out or surfing the Internet. Research has shown that subliminal messages make their way into our brains without our being conscious of them. Now you can listen to soothing, unobtrusive music while absorbing the positive affirmations recorded just below the level of auditory perception.
2. The Power of the Pen
Practicing affirmations does not need to be complicated – pen and paper are easy, effective tools to start your journey. Written affirmations may even work better because writing something down has more permanence than thoughts or spoken words. Written declarations tend to wield more power than spoken ones, so try jotting your affirmation ten (or more) times every day.
3. Get Personal
A simple Google search will produce thousands of websites with generic affirmations that can and do work. But consider taking the time to reflect upon your unique desires, and craft your own heartfelt and heart-centered affirmations. The form does not need to be a short, declarative sentence – many people, particularly creative types, prefer intricately personalized forms of self-communication such as songs, poems and prayers. This practice offers the dual benefits of activating your creativity while imprinting affirmations into your mind.
4. If You Believe It, You Will Receive It
A study conducted by The Lerner Research Institute found that mental training significantly enhances a higher activation level in muscles and increases strength. Elite athletes and prominent public figures use visualization techniques, which are considered a form of affirmation. Visualize the desired outcome in your mind. Repeat the visualization dozens or even hundreds of times. This practice will reconfigure the “neural net” in your brain and create new, stronger thought pathways, and your desired result will manifest sooner than you think.

5. Tap an App
We are fortunate that technology is available to help us obtain our personal development goals! There are hundreds of smart phone apps to enhance spiritual practice. Our favorite, of course, is “Unique Daily Affirmations” which you can program to set phone alerts or send email reminders.
6. Take Advantage of Technology
Another way to harness technology for your spiritual practice is to use the tools already installed on your smartphone.
  • Once you have developed a personalized affirmation, record it using the voice memo feature. Listen to you affirmation several times throughout the day.
  • Set a reminder that will appear regularly on your iPhone screen.
  • Set a notification to sound every hour, and repeat your affirmation when you hear the ring.
7. Out of the Mouths of Babes 
If all else fails, start your day like Jessica!

