
What actually did Kim Kardashian do To Get Her natural 24-Inch Waist

Lots of early morning workouts were involved.
Kim Kardashian has become a pretty polarizing figure throughout her decade in the spotlight, but one thing about her that's really not up for debate is how ridiculously in shape she is. The reality star and mom of three recently shared a video on her app in which she revealed during her book club meeting that her waist is now 24 inches - and if you're wondering how she was able to make that happen after giving birth twice, a recent interview with PEOPLE suggests that she has former bodybuilder and trainer Melissa Alcantara to thank for that.
If you're an avid watcher of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, then you probably remember the Season 14 episode in which Kim talks about the moment she found Alcantara on Instagram.
"I was looking on Instagram and this bodybuilder popped up on my page," she explained to Kris Jenner during the episode. "She gained 70 pounds in her pregnancy. Her kid's like six now, but she is like ripped."

Kim continued in her confessional, "Melissa is a trainer I found. She's super inspiring to me and I really want to meet up with her and see if she could train me. She could help direct my food and really get me on an amazing path."
That's when she started working with Alcantara - who goes by the name @fitgurlmel on Instagram - for the better part of the next year to lose her baby weight. Kim met with her during the episode to discuss her fitness goals before the two finally started getting down to business.
"They were like, 'Are you available to train Kim on Monday?'" the celebrity trainer told PEOPLE. "I was like, 'Of course I'm available!' And it went from there."
According to Alcantara, she and Kim get together six days a week at 6 a.m. (talk about dedication) to focus on different areas of the body like legs, biceps/triceps, and chest/back. Kim apparently approached her with a request to get some help gaining muscle, but the pair also does cardio together - and, as you can probably tell from Kim's Instagram pics, it's all been paying off.
"Kim has been getting some really nice results, like with her triceps," she said. "She can't believe how much has changed over the last few months. And when you're in this deep, it's hard to go back. She just keeps it up. She's focused and she has a goal in mind."
When it comes to her training regimen, Kim is a bit of a "workhorse," as Alcantara puts it, though she's also attributed some of her weight loss to the Atkins Diet. She aims to eat 1,800 to 2,200 calories per day while also avoiding alcohol and carbs. Tbh, it sounds like a pretty difficult thing to commit to but no one said a body like that comes easily.

