
Trending: People Have Started Covering Their Entire Body With Black Tattoo

Now that's dedication. Some tattoo lovers are going all in with solid black ink and the trend is a hit on Instagram. Artist Chester Lee of Oracle Tattoo shop in Singapore has been specializing in the method for about five years, he tells He recently posted this shot of his work, which has racked up thousands of likes.
"That particular piece I [had] been at it for couple of months, about 20 odd hours," Lee says. Some customers, he explains, use the method to cover up old ink.
If black ink is done over existing tats, Lee explains, you'll see negative lines show through.
Other shops around the world are offering blackout tattoos, as well, covering entire body parts.
Tattoo model Monami Frost took to YouTube last year to answer questions about her blackout arm tattoo, which she says took three or four sessions.
Frost said, shockingly, that the monthlong process "didn't hurt too bad." 

