
Recent Survey Shows Young Women Are the Most Bored at Work. Here Is How Young Women Can Overcome It

Whether you're twiddling your thumbs in front of your computer or falling asleep at your desk, you're not alone. A recent survey reveals that millennial women are more bored at work than any other group.
48 percent of women reported being bored at work, compared to 39 percent of men—and millennials are two times more bored at the office than Baby Boomers, according to an Udemy survey of 1,000 full-time office workers.

What gives? According to the survey results, young women don't feel challenged at work, nor do they think they have the opportunities to learn new skills. And 29 percent also say social media distractions cause them to be bored at the office.
But work isn't entirely to blame. As millennial career expert Jill Jacinto points out, "there will be some downtime at work. But young women need to stop waiting around for assignments to come their way and start thinking about how they can contribute more," and not just to make your boss happy—or to save your own sanity.
"Being bored at work affects productivity and creativity," warns Hallie Crawford, founder of career coaching agency Hallie Crawford. "When someone is bored at work, they lack the motivation to go the extra mile or to set and reach new goals. It impacts her sense of fulfillment at work, which can bleed into other areas of her life." So don't let boredom break you down. Here are six ways to beat it back.
1. Shut down your distractions. According to this survey, many people need not look much further than their smartphones to find the source of their work boredom. If you're often distracted by social media, "leave your phone in your bag and keep it as far from your reach as possible," Jacinto suggests. Then rid yourself of digital temptations by using an app like Anti-Social or Freedom, which will block social media sites—and even Hulu and Reddit—in increments of time you specify.
2. Get a new view. It's not about what you see from your cubicle. This kind of view comes from the inside—it's about changing how you see what you do. "Instead of thinking about yourself and how your project or your job is boring, ask yourself how the people who benefit from your job feel," says Crawford. "By changing your perspective, you can help you feel a little more inspired about even mundane tasks if you focus on the impact your work is having from a broader and larger perspective."
3. Find a mentor. A mentor is great to have at any point in your career. But he or she will be especially helpful when you're bored. That's because a mentor should act as a coach, pumping you up for the big game—i.e. advancing your career. "A mentor's energy and enthusiasm [for your] industry will help you fall back in love with it as well," Jacinto says. If you don't have a mentor, you can ask a coworker or an alumni to step in.
4. Team work makes the dream work. You've got a work wife, right? If she's bored too, don't complain about it at the coffee spot—it's time to band together to break your routine. "Just like gym buddy forces you to hit the gym rather than watch Bravo, this person will help you actually create a to-do list and then cross items off," says Jacinto. Consider her your accountability buddy.
5. Redecorate your desk. Freshening your workspace could give you the (literal) fresh outlook you need. Grab a bright bouquet, family photos, or even a stack of colorful Post-It notes, Crawford suggests. "If your office space is boring, it won't help how you feel overall at work," she says. "When you liven up your workspace and make it more fun and inspiring, it will help you feel more cheery at work."

6. Put yourself out there. Networking isn't just a necessary evil. When you meet someone new in your field, his or her passion might just break you out of your bored funk, Jacinto points out. Plus, "setting up coffee dates outside the office is a great motivator," she says, adding you never know where a simple chat could lead your career. "It might turn into a speaking event, writing gig, or partnership," she says.

