
Why You Must Abstain From Sex 48 Hours Before Seeing Your Gynecologist

OK, most of us probably don’t think about our ob/gyns when having sex. But, it turns out, maybe you should—at least, if that sex is unprotected and you have a doctor’s appointment coming up.

“Semen can interfere with any swabs taken for evaluation,” explains Jessica Shepherd, M.D., an assistant professor of clinical obstetrics and gynecology and director of Minimally Invasive Gynecology at The University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago
Jonathan Schaffir, M.D., an ob/gyn at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, agrees, pointing out that the discharge you tend to have after unprotected sex can also be mistaken for something wrong and lead your doctor to think there’s a problem when there really is none.
Brett Worly, M.D., an ob-gyn at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, says semen can even interfere with Pap test results, giving you an abnormal reading when everything is actually OK. (He also points out that douching, tampon use, and vaginal cream or medicine can also throw things out of whack when used within two days of a Pap test.)
“Although most Pap tests are now done with a liquid medium that ‘washes’ cells and makes them easier to see, it is still possible for sperm cells to be present that make the cervical cells harder to see,” Schaffir explains. Using a condom doesn't necessarily make things better, he says: “Even if a condom is used, the recent friction can cause inflammatory changes in vaginal and cervical cells that might be interpreted as an abnormal or ‘atypical’ Pap smear.”
Doctors typically recommend that you avoid having unprotected sex up to 48 hours before a Pap test, but board-certified ob/gyn Pari Ghodsi, M.D., says you’re perfectly fine to have sex with a condom beforehand if you’re not getting a Pap at this visit. (If you’re not sure, call your doctor’s office in advance.)
Of course, things happen and it’s completely understandable that you might forget and have sex within the 48-hour window. If it happens, don’t panic—but please tell your doctor! “I would not cancel an appointment just because of recent sexual activity,” says Schaffir. “But letting the doctor know (particularly if she is collecting a swab) would be helpful so the result can be interpreted correctly.” Plus, you'll potentially save yourself the hassle and stress of dealing with inaccurate abnormal results.

Shepherd says you shouldn’t feel weird about speaking up. “There’s no harm in being honest,” she says. “Your doctor will appreciate it.”

