
Blac Chyna’s Mother Has Been Kicked Out From Her Home And The Landlord Live-Stream The Entire Eviction!

Y’all, could we have one day without any Blac Chyna news? Another day, another scandal. This woman’s life must be so exhausting, don’t you think?

Entertainment Tonight

Keeping up with Blac Chyna is more difficult than keeping up with her second baby daddy’s family. You know who we are talking about.

Daily Mail

Blac Chyna has made quite a career out of being notable, and being notably pretty. But it must take a lot of dedication to keep yourself in the gossip columns the way she does. Click next to read more about Blac Chyna and her family.

Celeb Mafia

Blac Chyna makes news wherever she goes and whatever she does. Remember how she has managed to drag out her custody battle? Maybe that was not entirely her fault, though. Little Dream’s daddy also participated in perpetuating that drama.

Us Weekly

As that incident shows, sometimes Blac Chyna’s professional drama making spills over into her family life. And sometimes her family members also make the gossip columns. Click next to read more about Blac Chyna’s mom’s latest news.


Blac Chyna’s mom, Tokyo Toni (whose real name is Shalana Hunter), has not been shy about publicly discussing her opinions and problems. Just last summer, she promised to bring all the drama between Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian to light. Sounds like mama has some beans to spill!


But first, Tokyo Toni needs to deal with her personal stuff. And oh good lordt, has Tokyo Toni got a lot of ish to deal with right now. Blac Chyna’s mom is engaged in a legal battle with her landlord. And it sounds like Tokyo Toni’s rental home is in a precarious predicament.

Daily Mail

The landlord is claiming that Tokyo Toni is behind in rent. Usually, when a tenant is behind on rent, the landlord can use discretion about how to handle the situation.


Other times, though, the consequences of late rent payment are in the tenant’s rental lease. We do not have access to Tokyo Toni’s lease, so we cannot report on those details.


The landlord also claimed that Tokyo Toni did damage to the property. We do not know the extent–if true–of this damage. Are we talking hanging pictures on the wall and not patching the nail holes? Or are we talking massive structural damage to floors? Our source is quiet on the details.


So, according to our source, Tokyo Toni was behind on rent and did damage to her rental home. And what did the landlord do? She kicked Tokyo Toni OUT OF THE HOUSE!


Imagine learning that you no longer have a place to live. Tokyo Toni must have been very stressed out. Our biggest question is where Blac Chyna was during all of this. Did Blac Chyna not know about her mom’s money issues? Did she know and not offer to help? Our sources are quiet on that topic, but we will keep you updated when we learn anything new.


We do not have all of the details just yet, but in cases of eviction, sometimes a tenant’s belonging are removed from the rental home. Could this be what happened to Tokyo Toni?


What’s more–the landlord reportedly Livestreamed the entire eviction. What is even going on here? Is that legal? We do not know, we are not lawyers. But we have a lot of questions about it.


What do y’all think about this whole mess? What is going on with Tokyo Toni? And is Blac Chyna not taking good enough care of her mom?

