
9-YEAR-OLD Texas girl, whom Trump said he'd pray for, is out of ICU after doing a brain surgery, family says

On behalf of President Trump, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders asked the nation on Jan. 23 to pray for a little girl in Texas who was prepping for an upcoming surgery for a rare brain condition, KFOR reported. And it appears that those prayers were answered after the girl’s father said Sunday that his daughter was out of the ICU and “getting back to her normal, goofy, silly self.”
“Sophia is out of ICU, she is in a regular room and doing well!” Scott Andy Peters said on Facebook. “Physical Therapist says she looks great. She is eating pizza and watching Frozen, getting back to her normal, goofy, silly self.”
Nine-year-old Sophia Marie Campa-Peters, of Brownfield, Texas, had surgery at Boston Children’s Hospital on Friday for “a rare disease that causes the blood vessels in her brain to narrow and close,” according to the statement from the White House. The condition has reportedly caused the girl to suffer a number of strokes throughout her young life, some of which left her partially paralyzed.
Word of her condition and pending operation made its way to the desk of President Trump. Peters reportedly hoped to get 10,000 people to pray for her on the day of her surgery.
“We want to make sure she gets that and far exceeds it,” Sanders said during the press briefing on Jan. 23. “So today, Sophia, I’m here to tell you that millions of people from every corner of the world will be praying for you on January 26th.”
“And among those will be people and all of us here at the White House, including President Trump,” Sanders continued. “He told me to tell you to keep fighting, to never give up, keep inspiring us all, and never, ever lose faith in God. With Him, all things are possible.”
Over the course of Peters’ diagnosis, Sanders said the girl demonstrated bravery and inexplicably overcame obstacles “leaving her doctors dumfounded.”
Despite undergoing a number of surgeries, Sanders said Peters “has faced each one of them with a fearless exuberance for life that warms the heart of everyone she meets.”
An update Monday on a Twitter page set up for the girl said she was doing “so great” and doctors were even considering sending her home.

“Sophia is doing so great!” the post said. “Her strength and attitude are just simply wonderful! They are even talking about sending us home soon because she is recovering so well.”

