
These Are The Worst Fears Of Men They Want Women To Know About

If you're a fan of Rainn Wilson from The Office, you'll love his new video series, That's What He Said. But it's not comedy, and he's not starring in it—in fact there are no actors at all. Wilson's production company, SoulPancake, filmed a series of sit-down talks with real men to explore sex and dating issues that need to be discussed. The result is a candid look into conversations women usually aren't privy to—and they can help shed light on some of the things we wonder about.

In the latest video released yesterday, men talk about feeling pulled in two different directions when it comes to dating: "When you're out there in the dating world, there's this sense that you need to be sorta 'the man,' and how do you balance that with being an understanding man in a relationship, having an equal partner, and being a good guy?" asks one man. The resulting conversation hits on many common issues in dating. For example, three issues they shared:
Why some guys are afraid to make the first move: They want to respect your boundaries.
"Women will tell you that you shouldn't ask them to kiss them. They said they just want you to kiss them, but in this day and age, that can be a violation."
Why do some men lose interest once you're interested? It could be low self-esteem.
"People don't want what they can have. For me that reflects on a sense of how people feel about themselves. If I can be comfortable with wanting to be with a woman who actually fully wants me, then obviously I feel comfortable about myself. But if I want someone who doesn't want me and I want to chase that, it's because I'm going, If I can get the thing that doesn't want me, I now have value cause I've conquested and got that thing that was saying 'I'm better than you.'"
Yes, some men do sleep around for the constant ego boost.

"As I've gotten older and I've worked out deep within me what actually gives me a sense of pride, that far outweighs that fleeting thrill of sexual promiscuity."

